• Question: hi do you guys ask enough questions about your decisions or do you settle for what you know?

    Asked by anon-304797 on 18 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Natali Bozhilova

      Natali Bozhilova answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      I am constantly asking questions and do not ever settle for what I know. I always carry out mini or large-scale research projects in my professional and personal life 🙂

    • Photo: Danielle Paddock

      Danielle Paddock answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      I’m always asking questions and questioning my own decisions. I think this is incredibly important when conducting psychological research (or any research!!).

    • Photo: Emily McDougal

      Emily McDougal answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      I’m always questioning my decisions, which is imporant as it means I fully consider the different options before committing to a decision. However sometimes it means I worry too much about the decisions I have made. I do think that I am getting better at this as I learn more from my experience. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions in order to learn from them!

    • Photo: Alex Baxendale

      Alex Baxendale answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      We’re always asking questions, and I think it’s the right thing to do. Everything that we see exists for a reason; if someone behaves in a specific way there has to be a reason behind it and we can only explore it by asking questions. Even if we think we have that figured everything out, there will always be more questions to ask – like if we could apply it to everyone in the world. If not, then why? What’s different?

    • Photo: James Bartlett

      James Bartlett answered on 19 Nov 2021:

      I mainly focus on data analysis in research, so questioning your decisions is crucial. There is always something more you can learn and better ways to do things, so I try and avoid settling for what I know now. Its also important to understand your decisions can impact the results you get, so you must reflect on different ways of approaching problems.

    • Photo: Charlotte Griffin

      Charlotte Griffin answered on 22 Nov 2021:

      I never accept that what I know is fact, particularly in psychology when you’re studying people who are so variable. It’s very built into the culture of working at a University that everyone is quite skeptical so you have to have the evidence to back up your claims – no one accepts what you say (related to research!) at face value.
